As a member of Traylor Construction Group, Ballard offers our clients an even more complete turnkey solution, above ground or below, on land or in water… (more)
Providing highly technical inspection services, Ballard’s unequaled service-oriented and quality-minded approach has made us a leader in the underwater market… (more)
The Ballard team are experts at applying the right technology for the specific project including image sonar, laser scanning, mulitibeam, and bathymetric…(more)
Ballard’s uniquely qualified turnkey construction solutions allow us to be routinely involved in the entire lifecycle of marine infrastructure projects from inception through completion… (more)
Ballard’s marine engineering team work to support our engineering partners and clients to bring the best solutions. Our team’s Early Contractor Involvement approach is particularly beneficial… (more)
Ballard’s personnel have decades of experience in the assessment, maintenance, and repair of infrastructure, systems, and facilities with limited or reduced downtime…(more)
As an industry leader and trusted emergency response contractor, Ballard has completed several hundred critical operations timely… (more)
Ballard’s deep diving capabilities include extensive experience with saturation, nitrox, and mixed-gas diving…(more)